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Hello everyone! In today's lesson, let's take a quick look at colors! How to say each color in French!

Blue = Bleu 
Red = Rouge
Yellow = Jaune
Green = Vert
Orange = Orange
Pink = Rose
Brown = Marron
Grey = Gris
Black = Noir
White = Blanc
Purple = Violet 

Usually, you should know that colors are invariable, which means you never have to add the plural form to colors when you write them, but, sometimes, you need to accord the color to the subject of the sentence, and a color's name can become feminine... 

Let's see some examples!

● Today I am wearing a blue t-shirt. = Aujourd'hui je porte un t-shirt bleu.

●  My mother bought me a pink skirt, but I don't like it. = Ma mère m'a acheté une jupe rose, mais je ne l'aime pas.

 Toby ran for a long time, his face is all red now! = Toby a couru longtemps, son visage est tout rouge maintenant !

● I love purple... = J'aime le violet...

● This dog is black. = Ce chien est noir.

So far, the colors names don't change. Let's see the exceptions:

● The grass is green. = L'herbe est verte < as you can see, "vert" becomes "verte", feminine form. Because in French, "herbe/grass" is a feminine word. 

● This is a blue flower. = C'est une fleur bleue. < "fleur/flower" is feminine in French as well.

● This dove is white. = Cette colombe est blanche

● This room is all purple! This is very pretty! = Cette pièce est toute violette ! C'est très joli !

Before we say goodbye today, let me remind you in the list above which colors are invariable and which are not, in a sentence:

Can change in a sentence with a feminine subject:

Blue = Bleu (masculine or neutral subject) / Bleue (feminine subject)
Green = Vert (masculine or neutral subject) / Verte (feminine subject)
Grey = Gris (masculine or neutral subject) /Grise (feminine subject)
Black = Noir (masculine or neutral subject) Noire (feminine subject)       
White = Blanc (masculine or neutral subject) / Blanche (feminine subject)
Purple = Violet (masculine or neutral subject) / Violette (feminine subject)

Can't change in a sentence whether the subject is feminine, masculine or neutral:

Red = Rouge
Yellow = Jaune
Orange = Orange     
Pink = Rose
Brown = Marron

Of course, you need to know if a word if feminine or masculine to adapt the color's name and usually there isn't any way to know this, unless you are French and you know which word if masculine and feminine in the French dictionnary... But don't feel discourage! The best way is to say it at the masculine form, and someone will surely correct you! For now, just memorize the colors and keep practicing! 

Good luck! :)


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