
Affichage des articles du mai, 2018


Welcome back on apprendsetparle ! Today, let's see how to call the different body parts ! It can be useful to describe something about your or someone else's body!  Let's start! NOTE: under [ ], is indicated the way to prononce it. Not the official linguistic symbols , but a simple way to say those French words!  Body = Corps [Kor] Head = TĂŞte [Tai-teu] Neck = Cou [Kou] Shoulders = Épaules [É-po-leu] Arms = Bras [Bra] Legs = Jambes [Jan-beu] Back = Dos [Do] Feet = Pied [Pi-yĂ©] Toes = Orteil [Or-tai-yeu] Butt = Fesses [Fai-ss] Hands = Mains [Mun] remember "one" in French? Same here "Un" > "M- un "> "M ain " Wrists = Poignets [Poi-ni-yĂ©] Eyes = Yeux [Zi-yeu] or Eye = Ĺ’il [eu-yeu] Ears = Oreilles [O-rai-yeu] Tongue = Langue  Mouth = Bouche   Lips = Lèvres [Lai-v-reu] Teeth = Dents [Dan] Nose = Nez [NĂ©] Nostrils = Narines [Na-ri-ne] Chin = Menton [Man-ton] Cheeks ...


Hello everyone! Welcome in another short lesson! Today we will see how to express the different part of a day: Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Let's get started! Morning = Matin or MatinĂ©e Afternoon = Après-midi  Evening = Soir or SoirĂ©e Night = Nuit  Let's see some quick examples: 1) Ce matin j'ai un cours d'Espagnol. / This morning I have a Spanish class.  2) Appelle-moi plus tard dans la matinĂ©e . / Call me later in the morning . 3) Cet après-midi il fait très chaud ! / This afternoon the weather is very hot!  4) Il y a un spectacle ce soir au théâtre ! / There is a show tonight at the theatre! 5) Je l'ai attendu toute la soirĂ©e mais il n'est pas venu. / I have waited all evening but he didn't come. 6) Cette nuit , j'ai mal dormi / Last night , I slept bad.  For the reminder, please remember: (Le) or (Un) or (Ce) Matin - masculine    (La) or (Une) MatinĂ©e - feminin...


Hello everyone! Welcome in another quick French lesson!  Today, we are going to talk about metaphorical French expressions . Have you ever heard a French person saying " Il pleut comme vache qui pisse ! "? I bet you did.  Sometimes, you will probably hear them, and sometimes, they will sound ridiculous to your hear, but this is pretty common in France and in French language.  Let’s see those expressions, their literal translation and their meaning ! :) ▼  ▼ ▼ “Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre.” (literal translation : "To have the eyes bigger than the belly") Meaning: To overestimate yourself and your capacity to eat something. Wanting to eat everything but knowing you will feel bloated and bad after the meal you eat.You ordered too much and you realize it. "ĂŠtre tombĂ© sur la tĂŞte." (literal translation : "To be fallen on the head") Meaning : Being crazy. Saying nonsense. "ĂŠtre lourd."  (li...


New article about the months in French ! :) Let's get started!  January = Janvier  February = FĂ©vier March = Mars April = Avril  May = Mai  June = Juin July = Juillet August = AoĂ»t September = Septembre October = Octobre November = Novembre  December = DĂ©cembre Note that every month is invariable and their form never change.  Let's see some examples about how to use them:   1) I was born in January . = Je suis nĂ© en Janvier . 2) My grand-mother passed away in October . = Ma grand-mère est dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e en Octobre . 3) My kitten is very cute. I adopted him in August . = Mon chaton est très mignon. Je l'ai adoptĂ© en AoĂ»t .  4) My sister is older than me. She was born in April and I was born in November . = Ma soeur est plus âgĂ©e que moi. Elle est nĂ©e en Avril et je suis nĂ©e en Novembre . 5) - How long did you say you would stay? = Combien de temps as-tu dit que tu restais ? - From May to December . = De Mai Ă  DĂ©cembre...


Before we start,  let me remind you:  if you are looking for a  personnal teacher  to learn French, you can contact me at  or checking the  " Online courses "  page on this blog! I give  online courses to whoever needs it , whether it's for improving your vocabulary, pronunciation, or helping you with any struggle in French!   Quick article about the days of the week in French ! :)  Monday = Lundi Tuesday = Mardi  Wednesday = Mercredi  Thursday = Jeudi  Friday = Vendredi  Saturday = Samedi  Sunday = Dimanche  Just like colors, days of the week in some sentences can be written in the plural form, but for now, let's focus on the basic form, which is very correct and absolutely not a mistake if you write them in their most basic way...  Let's see some examples below:  1) Today, it's monday . = Aujourd'hui, c'est lundi . 2) Every tuesday , he play...


Before we start, let me remind you: if you are looking for a personnal teacher to learn French, you can contact me at or checking the " Online courses " page on this blog! I give online courses to whoever needs it , whether it's for improving your vocabulary, pronunciation, or helping you with any struggle in French!   Hello everyone! In today's lesson, let's take a quick look at colors! How to say each color in French! Blue = Bleu   Red = Rouge Yellow = Jaune Green = Vert Orange = Orange Pink = Rose Brown = Marron Grey = Gris Black = Noir White = Blanc Purple = Violet  Usually, you should know that colors are invariable , which means you never have to add the plural form to colors when you write them, but, sometimes, you need to accord the color to the subject of the sentence , and a color's name can become feminine...  Let's see some examples! ●  Today I am wearing a blue t-shirt. = Aujourd'hui ...